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Contact Us

The best way to reach us is always by email:

For updates about your order or to find out if an item is in stock, please email us at or fill out the contact form below.

Google sometimes likes to say that an item is in stock, but please note: We do not keep track of inventory on our website. If you want to find out if something is in stock, please contact us through the form below or email us at Please include the part number(s) you are interested in with your message.

We apologize about any confusion that causes, unfortunately, it's a glitch on Google's end that misreads some websites' info - Google also likes to say that some street addresses are "in stock".

Phone Number (please note, the best/fastest way to reach us is by email! For order updates, stock inquiries or any questions about products, please send us an email or use the contact us form below): 1-833-746-3691

Please leave us a message if we do not answer.

For tech support or warranty information on your Dakota Digital products, please contact Dakota Digital directly. Here is their contact info:

Or send us your questions/comments through the following contact form. If you are asking about a part number, please include that part number with your question:

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